Gadgets, Toys & Noise

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Me? i'm a whacky designer/video editor who enjoys collecting toys as well as gadgets, and basically anything cool i come across and i can get my hands on. In simple terms i collect junks haha~ but then i believe that one man's junk is another man's treasure. Don't you agree?!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Forgotten Treasures

Have you ever tried stashing something so very precious, so safe, until you've totally forgoten of its' existance.? Then after what seems to be eons... you once again excavate what you've hid. Can you imagine the euphoria it will have on you? Well such ocassion happened to me today...

I was going through the storeroom hoping to find some blank cds to burn, but in the process i've stumble upon something far more superior and captivating. An object which occupied all my focus into freeing it into the daylight, matter a fact it kept me so occupied until i forgotten what i was looking for in the first place.

Hmmmm whats' inside this ordinary blue box & i asked myself, then suddenly i recalled, with googse bumps all over. I let out a cry, I....i...i've found my "treasure box"~!!!!

The joy of rediscovering such treasures was just euphoric . I sat there smiling to myself looking at the medium-sized box that bares my name. Inside was like a time capsule that dates back way back to my childhood days..... photographs...some old toys...victorious marbles trophies...decorated ice-cream sticks....some old notebooks with doodles & scrible inside. The nostalgia almost bring tears to my eyes. For the next 2hours memories of yesteryears just over-flooded my brain.

Well to the eyes of others my so-called-treasure might seems like rubbish. (Which, in reality it is...) but to me that is my personal teleport device, a time-travel machine.... a ticket back to my childhood.

i sat back & let out a satisfying sigh... eventhough rummaging that "treasure chest" took a good amount of energy. i was content and very glad that i have found my.... forgotten treasure.

So, have you found yours yet??

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by gnaisnah.

Post this cool looking toy at a forum, honnest i have not a single clue as wat this character about, nor hav i heard or come across "scepter" but this much i can tell u .... i wanna iwn it. looks fantasitic. Maybe able to go head n head with SIC.

A Long Absence

Its undeniable that i've been neglecting my blog. Gulp~ The last entry was in June!!!

Well During this period of time, loads of events have came and gone, Some burnt a hole right through my wallet.... some left a dent in my heart... & also some left a joyful smile on my face. My only regret is that i didn't scribble it in here.

Speaking of long absence, there's a face i have not lay eyes on for almost 2 & half years now. A face that usually associated with joy & delight...a face that i would look forward to again $ again. Hahaha we used to called ourselves 3Cs ahhhh those growing up years. Anyway upon hearing her return from AUS i swiftly made plans to have dinner.

Dinner was at chilli's 1U, the atmosphere was great for catching up...crack views & share experiences. Togather with my cousin bro, i think we were the noisiest bunch there. Burst of laughter was uneviatble every few minutes as we took turns making silly statements & sharing embrassasing moments. Man~ haven't laugh that hard for awhile now. (note: wasn't drinking. only harmless OJ)

On & all the dinner was superb, (the only gripe was it would have been nice if it would have last alittle longer.)