Boredom Strikes

Originally uploaded by gnaisnah.
After a period off from the rat-race is not hard to see that i'm beginning to feel my path of ambition (where ever that is) is fading ~ & and u begin to ponder is life only about trading our youth for money???
But I think i'm quite fortunate, that i can enjoy wat i hav right now, i mean my indulgence (toys) seems like a luxury to some, ......... n yet utter rubbish to others. Anyhow they are my stress neutralizers, i could spend hours manipulating them into various poses and placing them in desired arrangement, somehow it gives me a sense of satisfaction.
And recently i've found a new hobby by fusing both wat i've learned & what i love, TOY PHOTOGRAPHY~!!!Frankly speaking i'm not trainned photographer nor am i good at it, compared to the others out there. but i believe that with the passion i have i can be as equally good as them if not better XD Right now.... hav to practice, practice n more practice!!!!
I guess is true wen they say, you can achieve anything when u put your mind & heart into it.
Crap, head hurts... too much thinking. Yikessssss 4am already!!! Need sleep. On wait, i'm on permenant holiday. lol oh well i'm gonna go off anyway. au revoir~!!!
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