Gadgets, Toys & Noise

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Me? i'm a whacky designer/video editor who enjoys collecting toys as well as gadgets, and basically anything cool i come across and i can get my hands on. In simple terms i collect junks haha~ but then i believe that one man's junk is another man's treasure. Don't you agree?!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

A crossroad.

Never thought i'd still visit this little sanctuary of mine. Its been ages since i last posted here, i think is bout right i give this blog a good update before the year ends.

Yup, once again i'm outta the vicious mundane circle called work, after long thought i finally put my foot down and quited my job as a videoeditor/designer. Was it a smart or dumb move i don't know, i just had to get outta that place before my sanity leaves me. So here i am, back at square one. Enjoying myself with the simplier things like waking up late, having breakfast(on time), walk the dog, and stuff i'd normally too tired or too busy to care about.

And at the same time I begin to question myself, where will I end up next? what shall do in the days to come? What options do i posses? Do i know what i want? all these question marks haunt me from time to time, as i feel my path that was clearly laid infront of me, is now vaguely visible. I don't know whether this can fall under early-mid life crisis. XD lol.