AvP Chest Set

This magnificent set includes 8 alien eggs(pawns), 2 chestburster(rooks), 2 fachuggers(bishops), 2 warrior aliens(knights), 1 Queen Alien(Queen), (King), 8 GLAIVES?(pawns), 2 LASER GUN?(rooks), 2 wrist knives(bishops), 2 hunter Predators(knights), 1 (Queen) and 1 (King). . The pieces range in size from 1 1/2 (Alien Pawn) to 3 1/2 inches tall(Alien Queen).

The chess board/case is modeled like the stone temple location of the movie, measures 19 by 19 inches, stores all the pieces within and is a beautiful dispaly piece on its own.

The Alien Vs. Predator chess set is a limited edition of 3000 pieces. Look for it in the Fall of 2004!
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